Why I Posed Nude on National TV

The vision came to me in the shower. I saw myself standing naked at the mouth of an open cave in front of a reverse halo of blackness. Charise was there too, crouched down to take my picture. I remembered seeing her at that art opening last spring, and the open invitation to do a… Continue reading Why I Posed Nude on National TV

The Period at the End

I am reframing this from a story about loss, loss of fertility and youthful hormones, loss of yet another piece of my femininity to something else. This bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy will bring a gift of release.

Life Lessons from a Cancer Survivor: Avoid Burnout and Live a Purposeful Life

The hill is insurmountable. The laundry list of chores, tasks, to-dos –some mine, but mostly the doing is serving another’s needs, someone else’s mission. I grasp for air, for time to eat, to sleep, to play, to dream. Sound familiar? Before my cancer treatment ended, someone suggested to me that I be the person to… Continue reading Life Lessons from a Cancer Survivor: Avoid Burnout and Live a Purposeful Life

My ReBirth Day

The most outwardly feminine part of myself, I took to the altar and offered up to the gods. I bargained for my life. When I could finally form words into a semblance of prayer, it was “Take my breasts, but let me live to see my boy grow into a man. Please!” I was the… Continue reading My ReBirth Day